As a follower, one of our jobs is to listen to our Leader. He might be communicating micro to extremely big moves a follower have to be able to adapt.
In Kizomba, it’s like a conversation between two bodies, he communicates, she Listens to and Replies…
“Listening” = “Feel your lead” is it the Keyword for a follower
Not an easy task I must admit, a follower will always be challenged on the dance floor by dancing with many different leads meaning style, strong, smooth, settle, rough (lol) even none (lol) etc
A follower must adjust to any leads and it is a skill in itself and that is learnable.
#followers #leaders #connection #music #styles #learning #kizomba#semba #bachata#urbankiz #classes #ittakesworkandpractise#sharingthedance #kizombainlondon #kizombamusic #kizombaclasses #urbankizinlondon #urbankizdance #kizomba #kizombadance #urbankizmusic #kizombalondon